Masa Jabatan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden: Penambahan Pengaturan pada Keadaan Darurat dan Sirkulasi Periodisasi


  • Desi Fitriyani Universitas Indonesia
  • Fitra Arsil Universitas Indonesia
  • Winda Sari Universitas Indonesia
  • Nurul Insi Syahruddin Universitas Indonesia



Regulations, President, Elections, Emergency, Periodic


This paper departs from the problematic arrangements for the term of office of the president and vice president that have been regulated in Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The article has not accommodated the regulation of the term of office if the country is in a state of emergency and leaves a question regarding the possibility of re-election of the president and vice president who have been elected previously. The purpose of this research is, first, to provide an analysis of the need to regulate the term of office of the president and vice president when the country is in a state of emergency and second, to analyze the need for changes in the circulation of periodicity and tightening of the norms. The type of research used is normative legal research using conceptual and comparative constitutional approaches. The results of the research show that reformulation of the regulation of the term of office of the president and vice president is needed on 2 (two) matters. First, the provisions regarding the term of office of the president and vice president if the country is in a state of emergency which is also carried out by several countries. The urgency of this arrangement can be seen from the experience of emergencies that have occurred in Indonesia. Secondly, it is necessary to circulate periodization and tighten arrangements regarding the possibility of re-election of the president and/or vice president. For accountability, the re-election of the president and/or vice president should only apply if done consecutively. The tightening is intended to close the space for misinterpretation of the existing provisions that the constitution has opened the opportunity for the president and/or vice president to serve more than 2 (two) periods if the partner is a different person.


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Dokumen Internasional

Afganistan’s Constitution of 2004

Algeria's Constitution of 2020

Angola's Constitution of 2010

Argentina's Constitution of 1853, Reinstated in 1983, with Amendments through 1994

Austria's Constitution of 1920, Reinstated in 1945, with Amendments through 2013

Azerbaijan's Constitution of 1995 with Amendments through 2016

Bangladesh's Constitution of 1972, Reinstated in 1986, with Amendments through 2014

Bolivia (Plurinational State of)'s Constitution of 2009

Botswana's Constitution of 1966 with Amendments through 2016

Brazil's Constitution of 1988 with Amendments through 2017

Bulgaria's Constitution of 1991 with Amendments through 2015

Burundi's Constitution of 2018

Cape Verde's Constitution of 1980 with Amendments through 1992

Chad's Constitution of 2018

Chile's Constitution of 1980 with Amendments through 2021

China (People’s Republic of)'s Constitution of 1982 with Amendments through 2018

Colombia's Constitution of 1991 with Amendments through 2015

Costa Rica's Constitution of 1949 with Amendments through 2020

Côte d'Ivoire's Constitution of 2016

Cuba's Constitution of 2019

Cyprus's Constitution of 1960 with Amendments through 2013

Dominican Republic's Constitution of 2015

Egypt's Constitution of 2014 with Amendments through 2019

El Salvador's Constitution of 1983 with Amendments through 2014

Equatorial Guinea's Constitution of 1991 with Amendments through 2012

Gabon's Constitution of 1991 with Amendments through 2011

Gambia (The)'s Constitution of 1996 with Amendments through 2018

Germany's Constitution of 1949 with Amendments through 2014

Ghana's Constitution of 1992 with Amendments through 1996

Guatemala's Constitution of 1985 with Amendments through 1993

Guyana's Constitution of 1980 with Amendments through 2016

India's Constitution of 1949 with Amendments through 2016

Kenya's Constitution of 2010

Kosovo's Constitution of 2008 with Amendments through 2016

Liberia's Constitution of 1986

Malawi's Constitution of 1994 with Amendments through 2017

Maldives's Constitution of 2008

Mauritius's Constitution of 1968 with Amendments through 2016

Micronesia (Federated States of)'s Constitution of 1978 with Amendments through 1990

Myanmar's Constitution of 2008 with Amendments through 2015

Namibia's Constitution of 1990 with Amendments through 2014

Nepal's Constitution of 2015 with Amendments through 2016

Nicaragua's Constitution of 1987 with Amendments through 2014

Palau's Constitution of 1981 with Amendments through 1992

Panama's Constitution of 1972 with Amendments through 2004

Paraguay's Constitution of 1992 with Amendments through 2011

Peru's Constitution of 1993 with Amendments through 2021

Philippines's Constitution of 1987

Serbia's Constitution of 2006

Seychelles's Constitution of 1993 with Amendments through 2017

Sierra Leone's Constitution of 1991, Reinstated in 1996, with Amendments through 2013

United Republic of)'s Constitution of 1977 with Amendments through 2005

United States of America's Constitution of 1789 with Amendments through 1992




How to Cite

Masa Jabatan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden: Penambahan Pengaturan pada Keadaan Darurat dan Sirkulasi Periodisasi. (2023). Ajudikasi : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 7(2), 271-298.

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