A compromise-based MADM approach for prioritizing failures: Integrating the RADAR method within the FMEA framework
MADM, Ranking, RADAR, FMEA, Automotive industryAbstract
Multi-Attribute Decision-Making (MADM) methods are essential in decision-making processes, particularly in solving problems related to ranking and classifying alternatives. Among the MADM methods frequently utilized in the literature for ranking alternatives are distance-based or compromise-based methods. These methods have been widely applied for decades, with ongoing development leading to new approaches. One such approach is RAnking, based on the Distances And Range (RADAR) method. This novel distance-based method evaluates alternatives by considering their distance relative to the best and worst alternative values for a given criterion and the range between them. This paper applies the RADAR method to rank failure modes identified through a standard Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) in an automotive industry company that produces rubber and plastic products. The results obtained from the RADAR method are compared with those derived from the traditional Risk Priority Number (RPN) approach. The comparison demonstrates that the RADAR method provides more distinct rankings, reducing the occurrence of ties between alternatives and thus offering a more nuanced and reliable decision-making tool in the context of failure mode prioritization.
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