Stakeholder Engagement Dalam Perancangan Indikator Kinerja Pengawasan Obat


  • Eny Diana Mudrikah Program Magister Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia
  • Roy V Salomo Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia



Citizen, Drug, Engagement, Performance Indicator


Performance indicators play an important role in the government accountability system as well as policy formulation in areas such as planning, resource allocation, and also good governance. The surveillance system of drug is strategic level, which is one of the national development reform agendas as it really encourages not just to quality of life but also national resilience. The findings of assessment of the drug surveillance system performance indicators surfacing in the period 2015-2019 are perceived to be less sensitive in presenting performance, regarding that accomplishing these targets endures a significant challenge. Citizen engagement can significantly improve governance by either increasing trust in the government and social cohesion. The purpose of this research is to explore the role of citizen in designing performance indicators in the field of drug control. According to a qualitative approach, the typology of citizen engagement in establishing drug control performance indicators is at third level, which is a form of more intense engagement between government institutions and citizens as stakeholders, in which each entity has a role in the determination and affects over the decisions. Instead with citizen engagement, at least certain positive outcomes have been obtained, such as promoting the actualization of both the principles of transparency and accountability, as well as empowering worldviews and explanations on performance indicators which have been formulated, so that they might be of excellent volume as well as the citizen seems to be more ready to favor the performance of government institutions.


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