Inovasi Pelayanan Publik Melalui Solo Destination di Kota Surakarta, jawa Tengah




inovasi, pelayanan publik, Solo Destination


Solo destination is a public service innovation from the  Surakarta City Communication dan Information Departement in the form of a mobile based application. The application in Solo Destination consists of various features including culinary, hotels, public facilities, shopping centers, cultural events, community services, children’s radio and historic sites. The launching of  Solo Destination application service received the MURI award as the first city in Indonesia to provide technology based tourism services through the application. The purpose of this researh is to explain the innovation of public service in the field tourism through Solo Destination. The method used is desk research that utilizes secondary data as a source of literature. The results of the study show taht the implementation of Solo Destination in the Surakarta City provides positive benefits for all parties including the Surakarta City Goverment to provide public services to the public quickly. For the public and tourists can provide services on the potential of Surakarta City easliy and completely


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McGuiness, Claire dan Crystal Fulton. (2019). Digital Literacy in Higher Education : A Case Study of Student Engagement with E- Tutorials Using Blended Learning. Journal of Information Technology Education : Innovations in Practice, (18), 3. Retrieved

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Rawden, Kari Bjerke Batt, dkk. (2017). Human Factors in the Implementation and adoption of innovations in health care services. A longitudinal case study on the introduction of new technology. The Innovation Journal : The Public Sector Innovation Journal, (22),(3), 2. Retrieved from https:// www. 22-no 3.html.

Rogers. Everett M. (2003). Diffusion of Innovations 5 th edition. New York : Free Press.

Said, M. Mas’ud. (2007). Birokrasi di Negara Birokratis. Malang : UMM Press.

Scupola, Ada dan Hanne West Nicolajsen. (2013). Using Social Media for Service Innovations : Challenges and Pitfalls. International Journal of E- Business Research, (9), (3), 27. Retrieved from

Suwarno. Yogi, (2010). Inovasi Sektor Publik. Jakarta : STIA LAN Press.

Watson, Douglas J. 1997. Innovative Governments: Creative Approaches to Local Problems. New York : Greenwood Publishing Group.

Wasistiono, Sadu.2001. Manajemen Pemerintahan Daerah. Bandung : Alqa Print.


