Design and implementation of intelligent electronic component inspection based on PLC and vision system
Automatic visual inspection, Intelligent terminals electronics component, Logic programming, PLCAbstract
Customer demands for product quality are increasingly complex, requiring better inspection accuracy. It is not enough if done manually because it requires high costs and varying operator accuracy. Automatic vision inspectÂion was developed to check the product quality of terminal-type electronic components To solve this problem. Design intelligent inspection uses a conveyor driven by a stepper motor, a photosensor to calculate product distance, guides position to direct the product, a vision camera to detect product quality, cylinder ejection for product selection, and PLC as a control system. The process of detecting normal and abnormal product quality is carried out using computer logic control, then separating the abÂnormal product into the reject box through the ejection cylinder. The machine speed is 60 pieces/minute. The system evaluation results are carried out on three parts of the system: the success rate on the vision camera is 100%, automatic product sorting through the cylinder ejection rate success is 100%, and the success rate for product positioning is 97.5%. This research provides a useful reference for developing intelligent automatic inspection technology in electronic components.
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