Pengaruh Motivasi dan Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Penjualan Tenaga Pemasar serta Implikasinya Terhadap Kinerja Pemasaran Perusahaan di PT. Cipta Profitama Abadi
Kata Kunci:
Motivation, Organization Culture, Sales Force Performance, Corporate Marketing Performance, Sales Force, Life Insurance.Abstrak
The development of the insurance industry in the era of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is now has grown with the rapid. Insurance companies, especially in the life insurance sector has always claimed to be creative in doing business or marketing activities to high result of sales performance especially in an increasingly competitive market. Sales force in a life insurance company as a resource that has the skills, potential and creativity need to be developed to achieve the maximum possible success of the company. The purpose of this research is to analyze influence motivation and organization culture on sales force performance and analyze influence sales force performance on corporate marketing performance in PT. Cipta Abadi Profitama Cilegon Banten. Variables used in this study are the motivation, organization culture, sales force performance, and corporate marketing performance. The study uses a quantitative approach to secondary data the insu rance company related to the problem. Next perform data collection, by taking a sample of 200 respondent’s sales force. Using the questionnaire in the form of a list of questions, if the data in SPSS version 20 for Windows, Path Analysis and model studies produced by LISREL 8.5 Student Program. The result showed a positive influence of motivation to achievement of sales force performance, the positive influence of organization culture on sales force performance and effect positive sales force performance on corporate marketing performance.
Artikel ini diterbitkan di Jurnal Industrial Services Vol 2 No 2 Maret 2017
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