Motivasi Sebagai Mediasi Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Kompensasi Pada Kinerja Karyawan PT BahasakuInggris


  • Wahyuni Trisnaning Universitas Nusantara PGRI
  • Hery Purnomo Universitas Nusantara PGRI
  • Subagyo Subagyo Universitas Nusantara PGRI



This research aims to find out the meaning of leadership style and compensation on the

performance of employees of PT BahasakuInggris with motivation as a mediation variable.

This type of research is quantitatively correlational, using a saturated sample of all

permanent employees of the teacher division of 50 people. Data collection methods use

questionnaires. Data analysis uses path analysis through IBM SPSS Statistic 23 software

as well as sobel tests. The study found that leadership styles and motivations have meaning

to performance, but not to compensation. Leadership style has no meaning to motivation,

but compensation has meaning to motivation. Motivation cannot be a mediation of

leadership style and compensation on the performance of PT BahasakuInggris.


Keywords: Motivation; Leadership; Compensation; Performance; BahasakuInggris.


