Efficient management of hospital assets is essential to ensure that operations can run optimally and the quality of health services is good. However, the recording and management of assets in hospitals carried out manually often causes data errors, information mismatches, and also assets are only known by the manager without being explicitly recorded. In overcoming this problem, the researcher aims to develop a hospital asset detection system architecture using an iterative and incremental methodology approach. The stages of this system development include identification of needs and conceptual models, logical architecture design, conceptual architecture design, logical architecture, physical architecture, technology selection, and evaluation. This system utilizes YOLO model reading technology for asset detection and identification, storing detection results into a local database using SQLite3, sending data to a central server via API, and post-processing data by selecting the highest confidence score stored in a MySQL database and then using the data to manage asset management and asset visualization. The implementation of this system successfully reduces manual recording time, improves asset visibility, and optimizes resource usage, thus contributing to the improvement of efficiency and quality of health services.
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