
  • Erna Juniasti Malaikosa Universitas Tribuana Kalabahi
  • Petrus Mokola Universitas Tribuana Kalabahi



The Teluk Mutiara Sub-district Government of Alor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province needs to pay attention and supervise the people who live and rent boarding houses, as well as boarding house owners, boarding house business assets and boarding house rental fee payment transactions, because there are often inconveniences between tenants and boarding house owners. This research is conducted so that the government can monitor in detail the profile of boarding house residents, boarding house owner profiles, boarding house assets and payment transactions made online, boarding house owners and boarding house seekers can also easily make payments and confirm payments properly. The method used in this research is Rapid Application Development (RAD) while the design analysis technique uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML) technique, with Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) programming language and MySQL database.  This system was successfully built by providing features that can supervise and control in detail the number of boarding houses, biodata of boarders, available facilities, prices and areas shown with a location map. There is also a boarding payment feature that can be used to make boarding payments, this system also provides a feature that uploads every proof of paid boarding payments and boarding house owners can confirm payments through the system.


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