
  • Rohman Nurafan Putra Pratama Universitas Putra Batam
  • Tukino Universitas Putra Batam




The competition in running a business today is very fierce, agencies that don't use the technology will lag behind the competition. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce technology, including applying management information systems in the store's business processes, making the business processes more efficient and effective, including storing, managing and obtaining information such as order data and sales data. Which helps in decision making, very beneficial. Manage decisions and help prospects get more accurate and faster information. The author conducted this research in one of the growing stores in Batam, called NATO PC. In conducting this research, the authors uses a search method called waterfall, this search method is a project management method for application development, very popular and very useful to quickly create applications. maintain detailed design, implementation planning, code generation and system testing. The conclusion of this study is that the NATO PC Store Management Information System required for sales has proven to be more effective and efficient than the old archiving system in terms of business processes for archiving, data processing and obtaining relevant information. Information when making business decisions and helping potential customers get the fastest, most accurate, and accurate information businesses need.


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