mini golf entertainment. Currently, the number of visitors to Kolepa can reach up to 3000 people per month. As a form of digitizing and improving service to customers, Kolepa wants to develop a mobile-based application that can make it easier for customers who want to visit by providing a table reservation feature, as well as a mini golf score calculation feature to replace physical paper for writing scores. Before the application is developed, it is necessary to design the user interface according to the results of interviews with the company. In designing the user interface, the author uses Figma as a tool and method of design thinking to formulate the system architecture including the features contained in the application. From the results of the design carried out, testing was carried out using the System Usability Scale (SUS) method and the results showed that the Kolepa Mobile App user interface design got an 'A' value in the grading method and a 'good' value in the adjective method based on the SUS assessment conversion matrix.
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