• Billy Teopilus Brahmana Universitas Mikroskil
  • Winson Universitas Mikroskil
  • Farhan Hasudungan Universitas Mikroskil
  • Handoko Universitas Mikroskil
  • Joosten Universitas Mikroskil
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Research on the websites and aims to help provide an evaluation in the development of these websites. There are many websites out there that provide boarding services so that users can easily access them. However, not a few of these websites are unable to meet user satisfaction and often disappoint users who use them. Through this research, we can determine the usability level of the and websites, based on the user ratings of the application. This study uses the Webuse method which has 24 questions that can be divided based on 4 categories of aspects, namely Content, Organization & Readablity, Navigation & Links, User Interface Design, Performance & Effectiveness. Assessment points use a 5-point Likert rating scale, so that the assessment is more accurate. Each respondent will be given 24 questions about the and websites. The results of this study indicate that overall usability points are higher on the website, but both websites still need to focus on certain categories for the next website development.


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