Construction of Haris And Fatia vs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan News Coverage By Kumparan and Tribunnews
(Framing Analysis on Kumparan and Tribunnews March-April 2022 Period)
Haris, Fatia, Luhut, Framing analysis, Kumparan, Tribunnews.Abstract
In the period from March to April 2022, Kumparan and Tribunnews presented news regarding the
feud between Haris and Fatia and Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, regarding the issue of the mining
business in Intan Jaya Jaya, Papua. In their dispute, Haris and Fathia alleged that Luhut was
involved in the business, while Luhut said that the accusation was baseless and considered it a form
of defamation. This study aims to find out how Kumparan and Tribunnews carry out framing,
construction, and how the two media take sides, both for Haris and Fatia and for Luhut Binsar
Pandjaitan. This study uses the Framing analysis method proposed by Zhongdan Pan and Gerald M.
Kosicki. The results of the study show that Kumparan constructed the news by giving the
impression that Polda Metro Jaya was on Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan's side. Kumparan also constructs news reports with a tendency to side with Haris and Fatia's camp, which can be seen from the selection of sources, most of whom are in their camp. Meanwhile, Tribunnews tends to be balanced in reporting, as evidenced by the selection and use of statements from sources that are balanced without taking sides with one side.
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januari-2022 luhut-1xk4YWXwxtG diakses pada 19 Juli 2022 pukul 16:15 WIB. luhut-tak-khawatir-dan-siap-buka-bukaan-ke-publik diakses pada 20 Juli 2022 pukul 11:45 WIB
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