Gaya Hidup dalam Media Sosial
information produced by the media as it is a main source and it is a significant part in
determining lifestyles. Lifestyle reflects the whole person who interacts with the environment.
Mass media has an influence on lifestyle. This research will use the Virtual Ethnography
method, is a methodology for investigating the internet in order to be able to explore
empirically its current use. The two informants were in the process of building character as a
figure of a rich person with a harmonious family and as a romantic husband. It is not
uncommon for the two informants to highlight what they have with a bit of exaggeration or how
he enjoys the holidays, it is not explained that almost the average vacation is financed by a
large family and friends. directing the identity of the informant 2 as a material overload,
informants often upload celebratory activities carried out for his wife, their children and many
attend the events held. Vacation photos are almost done every 3 times a month. In conducting
conversations, the informants were happy with the responses of many people or comments who
were curious about the tourist destinations visited or how much they spent
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Masyarakat Konsumeris menurut Konsep
Pemikiran Jean Baudrillard
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