Komunikasi Kerja Antar Kementrian Dilihat Dari Sudut Pertahanan Negara
Inter-ministry work communication, state defenseAbstract
Work communication between Ministries is currently not optimal. This is due to the specific duties ofeach Ministry. But in implementing the government development program contained in Nawacita,
communication between ministries must be carried out. This time the author tries to put forth writing
on inter-ministerial communication seen from the point of view of national defense. Case study
activities were analyzed through predictions of perceptions of activities in the ministry of agriculture,
the ministry of transportation, the ministry of communication and information and the DPR - RI. The
theory used is the theory of communication. The method used is qualitative analytical methods. The
results of predictions of perceptions of analysis found several strengths in the case studies of the
ministry of agriculture faced with national defense and several weaknesses in the case studies of the
ministries of transportation and communication faced with national defense. So that the Ministry of
Defense is expected to need to participate in helping a number of conditions of weaknesses and
shortcomings between these ministries as a form of communication between ministries.
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Kemhan RI, 2015.
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Dirjen Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan,
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Strategi komunikasi antar kementerian dengan
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