Pemaknaan Melalui Konstruksi Sosial Yang Dibangun Oleh Wartawan Dalam Menyebarkan Ujaran Melalui Facebook
who owns the account can be a prosumer (producer and consumer) in creating messages,
however the low control mechanisms are still causing the content in social media is not only
positive, but also negative, such as spreading hate speech. Hate speech also coloring the
social media account of journalists in Banten, especially during the Banten election
campaign of Governor in 2017. This research is to uncover the meaning of journalist to the
proffesion and media they manage in utter hatred speech which they spread throuh facebook
in Governor Election of Banten 2017, and it was conducted by qualitative research method
through phenomenology research approach. By using Social Construction Theory as a
framing of qualitative analysis.
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