Pengaruh Video Advertising Tokopedia Versi “Jadikan Ramadan Kesempatan Terbaik” Terhadap Respon Afektif Khalayak


  • Jennifer Olivia
  • Sylvie Nurfebiaraning



Video Advertising, Affective Response, Tokopedia


Many advertisers believe that consumer emotions are better at advertising effectiveness,
because if you only sell brands there will be no striking differences with competitors or
competitors. The way to attract the consumer attentions, to use the products and brands of
the company is to advertise and make the audience like the advertisement. One of the
advertising videos "Jadikan Ramadan Kesempatan Terbaik". Therefore, the authors want
to know and analyze a relationship, how much the relationship, influence, and how much
influence the Tokopedia version "Jadikan Ramadan Kesempatan Terbaik" for the affective
response of audience. This research using a quantitative methods, positivistic paradigm,
and analysis techniques is descriptive data analysis, and simple linier regression. For
sampling techniques was used non-probability sampling with type of incidental sampling,
which is total 100 respondents. The result is a simple regression of Y = 8.091 + 0.411X.
Furthermore, the correlation analysis with results of 0.657 belongs to the strong category.
In this study H0 rejected and H1 accepted because tcount > ttable (8.629> 1.660) means
that Tokopedia version "Jadikan Ramadan Kesempatan Terbaik" influences the affective
response of the audience. As well as the video advertising version "Jadikan Ramadan
Kesempatan Terbaik" affects the affective response of audiences by 43.20% while the other
56.80% is influenced by other this research.


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