Strategi Public Relations Untuk Menciptakan Minat Pengunjung Ke Galeri Indonesia Kaya
Public Relations, Strategy, Gallery, VisitorsAbstract
One of the most important tools in gallery is Public Relations. The existence of Public Relations in aGallery can be a bridge between the gallery with its public. The purpose of Public Relations in a
Gallery is to disseminate information, create, and maintain good harmonious relationships in order
to get a positive image of the Gallery. However, the abundance of Galleries in Jakarta, causes a
lack of public interest in visiting Gallery Indonesia Kaya. This causes the need for a Public
Relations strategy that is used to increase visitors’. This research was conducted by using
qualitative method through interview and observation. From the results of interviews and
observation, researchers found that the Gallery Indonesia Kaya performs strategies of Public
Relations to increase visitor’s interest. Researchers also found that Gallery Indonesia Kaya has not
succeeded in doing strategy of Public Relations to increase visitors’ interest because the
inconsistency between strategy and hope which executed with expectation to be achieved.
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