• Deni Sunaryo Universitas Serang Raya
  • Hamdan
  • Ahmad Zainuri
  • Suhaemi
  • Putri Fachri aulia Fatah
Abstract views: 2 , pdf (Bahasa Indonesia) downloads: 3
Keywords: Aritmatika, Jarimatika, Siswa, Sekolah Dasar, Matematika


Observations made by lecturers at the Purwakarta Cilegon State Elementary School, it turns out that school age children at both primary and middle school levels in the Purwakarta Cilegon State Elementary School village also have relatively low Jarimatika abilities. Even though most of them are able to carry out simple mathematical operations such as addition, division and subtraction of numbers, the process is still slow. They don't know fast and accurate ways to count, whereas in this day and age, especially for school age children, when facing exams or semesters, they are required to solve questions quickly and accurately, including counting skills or Jarimatika. The training carried out uses a tutorial method carried out by teachers to students either individually or in small groups of students. Jarimatika training activities at the Purwakarta Cilegon State Elementary School were attended by the students. Purwakarta Cilegon State Elementary School which has low Jarimatika abilities. After going through this training activity, participants were able to perform number calculations in tens, hundreds and thousands or even more. Participants are also able to use ten fingers and are able to use counting techniques so they can count faster than before. It's just that the participants' knowledge is still basic and more intensive training needs to be held so that they can become more skilled at calculating.


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How to Cite
Sunaryo, D., Hamdan, H., Ahmad Zainuri, A. Z., Suhaemi, S., & aulia fatah, P. F. aulia F. (2024). OPTIMALISASI PELATIHAN JARIMATIKA MATEMATIKA DI SEKOLAH DASAR NEGERI PURWAKARTA KOTA CILEGON. JURNAL PENGABDIAN VOKASI ( JAPESI ), 3(1), 24-32. https://doi.org/10.30656/japesi.v3i1.8854