A processing Processing and Utilization of Used Cooking Oil into Dish Soap in Domas Village, Pontang District

Limbah, Minyak Jelantah, Sabun Cuci Piring

  • anggit yoebrilianti kayubiyanto Universitas serang raya
  • Nurhayani
  • Martina Rahmawati Masitoh
  • Khairul Ikhsan
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The implementation of “Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PKM” in Domas Village, Pontang Subdistrict, are based on the growth of the MSME business which is quite advanced, this has a positive impact on the community but also has a negative impact on the environment. The negative impact of this culinary business is the high volume of implementing PKM activities is to help the community reduce environmental pollution from used cooking oil (used cooking oil) by utilizing used cooking oil into dish soap. This activity was cariied out in three stages, namely : 1) initial stage : conducting observations and interviews, completing documents and designing activities; 2)the main stage : educational activities and skills training for processing used cooking oil into dishwashing soap; 3) final stage : evaluation of activities and preparation of the final report. These three stages have been implemented 100%. The results obtained in the implementation of the PKM were an inrease in the level of understanding of the training participants, the community knew the negative impacts of used cooking oil on health and the environment, the community knew and was skilled in applying approrriate technology for processing used cooking oil into soap.


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How to Cite
kayubiyanto, anggit yoebrilianti, Nurhayani, Rahmawati Masitoh, M., & Ikhsan , K. (2024). A processing Processing and Utilization of Used Cooking Oil into Dish Soap in Domas Village, Pontang District: Limbah, Minyak Jelantah, Sabun Cuci Piring. JURNAL PENGABDIAN VOKASI ( JAPESI ), 2(2), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.30656/japesi.v2i2.6837