Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines1. Format
Font of manuscript: Times New Roman font size 10 with 1 spacing. Manuscript length range is approximately 5,000 - 7,000 words includes attachments and references with 2 cm of page margin (upper, left, and right) and 4 cm of pages margin (lower).
Cover should mentions title, author’s name, email, institution, and country of author. Article submission should include the latest curriculum vitae.
All pages are numbered sequentially (including references and attachments). Footnotes, headers, and footers are not for author's name or title of article, but for additional information of text.
Manuscript must follow template of manuscript.
2. Article Structure
1. Title
Title must be brief, clear, maximum 15 words with capital letter. Font is using: Times New Roman size 24, in bold, and in center text.
2. Author's name, email address, institution, and country
The author's name (without academic degree), email address, name of institution, and country are written under the article title. When the script is written by a team, the editor only deals with first author, or correspondence author.
3. Abstract
This section contains main issues, research objectives, methods / approaches and research results. The abstract is presented at the beginning of the manuscript and the presentation is approximately 150 to 200 words (in English and Indonesian). Abstract is approximately followed by keywords 3 to 4 words.
4. Introduction
This section describes the background of issues as well as the urgency and rationalization of the research. This section also describes the aims and contributions of research and organization of article.
5. Literature Review and Hypothesis Development.
This section describes theoritical framework / previous research review, and hypothesis development (for research articles). The article of conceptual thought should describe the discussion which is related with issues in introduction.
6 Research methods.
This section describes the research design, scope or object (population and sample), data collection techniques, operational definition of research variables, and analytical techniques.
7. Analysis and Discussion.
This section presents research analysis results. Tables, graphs (figures), and / or charts can be added in research analysis. The discussion section is describing data processing results, interpreting the findings logically, and linking with the relevant referral sources.
8. Conclusion
The conclusion contains a brief summary of the research results and discussion which answers the research objectives.
9. Suggestions.
Suggestions contain recommendations which is formulated by researchers based on research limitations that can be useful in practical and theoretical for the future research.
10. Tables and Figures
Tables are typed with single line spacing, with the initial and end horizontal line (table subtitle), without vertical line. Tables are numbered sequentially from one. Â
Figures must be prepared in printable form and in black and white. The source of table and figure should be listed.
11. Quotation
Quotation text is written by mentioning the author's last name and year of publication.
Example Quotation:
One source and one author: Chang (2010) or (Chang, 2010)
One source and two authors: Arora and Sharma (2016). or (Arora & Sharma, 2016).
One source and more than two authors: Quote all author's names on the first quotation : Lawter, Rua and Guo (2014) or (Lawter, Rua & Guo, 2014). For the next quotation is written by the first author's name and followed by "et al." : Lawter et al. (2011) or (Lawter et al., 2011)
More than one source and one author : Azmi (2003); Berry (2003) or (Azmi, 2003; Berry, 2003).
Source from an institution: IAI (2004) or (IAI, 2004).
For direct quote with less than 40 words, enclose the quotation within double quotation marks (“...........â€). Single space the entire quote and indented style. If the quotation is 40 words or more do not use the quotation marks with double space and indented style. (author’s name, year of publication and page number/s).
Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
Copyright Notice

ProtekInfo : (Jurnal Pengembangan Riset dan Observasi Teknik Informatika)Â Â is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.