Peran Generasi Millennial Terhadap Kreativitas Seni Dan Tradisi Membatik Di Sanggar Batik Cikadu Tanjung Lesung


  • Mahfudz Mahfudz Program Studi Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam, Fakultas Ushuludin, UIN SMH Banten
  • Kholid Suhaemi Program Studi Bimbingan Konseling Islam, Fakultas Ushuludin, UIN SMH Banten



batik, batik craftsman, millennial generations


Problems: Current research focuses a lot on batik waste, batik marketing, batik dyes and batik learning. Very little has been discussed regarding the role of batik artisans who are actually the main figures in the creation of batik in Indonesia.

Purpose: the aim of this research is to find out the role of the millennial generation in the creativity, art and tradition of batik in the Cikadu batik workshop, Tanjung Lesung.

Methodology: This research uses qualitative. Data was taken through interviews with 28 batik craftsmen consisting of 16 millennial generations, 9 generation z and 3 generation x who were in the Cikadu batik workshop, Tanjung Lesung. All data collected has been triangulated to test its validity through interviews and observations of managers, local communities and batik resellers.

Results/Findings: The results of this study indicate that the millennial generation in the Cikadu Batik Studio is in control of its target batik production. In addition, this generation is also spread across various fields such as; coloring agents, tasters and motif makers. This is because this generation is very flexible, creative and technologically literate.



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