Strategi Komunikasi Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) Banten Dalam Menyosialisasikan Program Sumur Wakaf

(Studi Kasus dalam Meningkatkan Donatur di Kota Serang)


  • Uti Septiyana Universitas Serang Raya
  • Liza Diniarizky Putri Universitas Serang Raya
  • Marthalena Universitas Serang Raya



Strategi, Komunikasi, Sosialisasi, Program, Wakaf



 Problems : Increasing the credibility of ACT Banten, Lack of trust from the public and donors to ACT Banten, Donor data is still in a static state and there is no progress.

Purpose : To find out how Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) Banten chose communicators, communicants, composes messages chose the media or communication channel used to socialize in socializing the Waqf Well program in Banten.

Methodology : The research uses qualitative research methods and uses case study methods from Yin R.K with the focus of the research being on contemporary (present) phenomena in the context of real life. Researchers use this method because the case study is a method used to study or explain a natural case without any intervention from the outsiders and can add value to our knowledge of individual, organizational, social and political phenomena.Results/Finding : The study found that there was a communication strategy carried out by ACT Banten. With interviews and documentation results at ACT Banten which shows the existence of a communication strategy. the strategy of selecting and assigning communicators is seen from the credibility and attractiveness of the communicators; Strategies to identify communication targets based on demographics and physical conditions; The strategy for assessing the message conveyed is an educational message with two forms of message delivery, for the target of youth communication the form of delivering the message in a relaxed manner and interspersed with invitations, while for the target of adult communication or the general public accompanied by special appeals for adult category participants, in the media selection strategy carried out in the marketing socialization of the waqf well program, namely through online and offline media.

Paper type : field research

 Keywords : Strategy; Communication; Socialization; programme; Waqf



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Daftar Pustaka

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