Pola Rekrutmen Pengawas Pemilu Kecamatan Pada Pemilu Tahun 2024 Studi Di Badan Pengawas Pemilu Kota Serang
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The 2024 general election (election) is the most complex election in the history of elections in Indonesia. One of the reasons for this complexity is that the stages of the election and regional head elections are held in the same year. One of the things that determine the success of holding the 2024 election is determined by the human resources for election supervisors who are qualified, have integrity, and are professional. The sub-district election supervisor is in a strategic position in carrying out election supervision and must coordinate supervisors at the sub-district/village level and polling station supervisors. The aim of the research is to examine the recruitment pattern of sub-district election supervisors in the 2024 elections at the Serang City Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu). The method used is a descriptive analysis method approach with data collection techniques using literature studies from various relevant sources. The research results found that the recruitment pattern for sub-district election supervisors in 2024 in Bawaslu Serang City was carried out openly, with a recruitment pattern based on competency and electoral experience. A closed recruitment pattern was not carried out, but an in-depth study of activities in the cadre formation of social organizations from various elements of society was carried out in an unwritten manner. It was found that enthusiastic community participation was seen from the large number of registrants who followed through to the completion of the selection process.
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