Kajian Pengaruh Coaching Terhadap Peningkatan Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan pada Perusahaan Manufacturing di Provinsi Banten


  • Santi Riana Dewi
  • Nafiuddin Nafiuddin


The objective of this causal study is to find out the effect of coaching on job satisfaction at employee of the manufacturing company in Banten. The samples of this research are employee with minimum one year working experience in the manufacturing company. The method applied is survey with causal approach. The result of the analysis is there is positively direct effect of coaching on the job satisfaction. That mean coaching is one of the factor which is contribute to increase the job satisfaction. Manufacturing company can choose coaching as the solusion to improve employee job satisfaction. Base on the finding of this research can contribute as the reference in decision making at human resources department who has a strategic role and as the policy in improving employee job satisfaction at manufacturing company in Banten.


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