Sawala : Jurnal Administrasi Negara <p align="justify"><strong>Name</strong>:&nbsp; Jurnal Sawala Administrasi Negara<br><strong>E-ISSN</strong>:&nbsp; <a href=""><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: medium;">2598-4039</span></span></a> (Online) - <a href=""><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: medium;">2302-2221</span></span></a> (Print)<br><strong>DOI</strong>:&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=";from_ui=yes" target="_blank" rel="noopener">10.30656</a><br><strong>Period Publish:</strong>&nbsp; June and December<br><strong>Indexing and Abstracting </strong>: <a href="">Sinta Ristekdikti</a>, <a href="">DOAJ</a>, <a href=";pli=1&amp;user=JPgElugAAAAJ" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Scholar</a>,&nbsp; <a href=";from_ui=yes" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Crossref</a>,&nbsp; <a href=";search_type=kws&amp;search_field=full_search&amp;or_facet_source_title=jour.1338635" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Dimensions</a>, <a href="[]=repoId:IOS5083">Indonesia One Search,</a>&nbsp;<a href="">&nbsp;ISSN Portal</a>, <a href="">BASE</a> &nbsp; <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Scilit,</a>&nbsp; <a href="">Kudos</a>, <a href="">Mir@bel</a>&nbsp; <a href=";jrnl=24385&amp;lng=de&amp;au6=2" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Daten Quadrat, </a><a href="">Garuda Ristekdikti</a>, and others in progress<br><strong>Publisher</strong>:&nbsp; Department of Public Administration, Serang Raya University<br><strong>Founded:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>2012</p> <p align="justify">Journal Sawala Administrasi Negara with registered number ISSN <a href="">2302-2221</a> (print), ISSN <a href="">2598-4039</a> (online) is scholarly double blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to promoting the study, research and enhancement of public governance, policy, administration and management in Indonesia, Asia Pacific, international and beyond. It welcomes contributions that address theory and practice, particularly from comparative and thematic perspective. This journal contains scientific articles on Public Administration science written in two languages: Bahasa Indonesia and English. The article is published in form of empirical research, conceptual or theoretical framework, or issues related to the public policy, Administration Development, Regional Autonomy, Bureaucracy, State Apparatus, Good Governance, Government, Decentralisation, Public Services, Public Management, Governance and Policy, Politics, and Regional Planning. Please read these <a href="">author guidelines</a> carefully.</p> <p align="justify">Authors who want to submit their manuscripts to the editorial office of Jurnal Sawala should obey the writing guidelines. Abstracts and full text that have been published on the website can be read and downloaded at The journal is accreditted with Rank 4 based on Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, Dan Pendidikan Tinggi, Republik Indonesia, Nomor : 1429/E5.3/HM.01.01/2022 Tentang Pemberitahuan Hasil Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Periode 2 Tahun 2022. The accreditation is acknowledged on Volume 9 Number 2 2021, and valid until Volume 14 Number 1 2026, <a href="">Nomor SK Akreditasi: 1429/E5.3/HM.01.01/2022</a></p> <p align="justify">Cerficate Jurnal Sawala Administrasi Negara</p> <p align="justify"><img src="/public/site/images/ssyafaat/Sertifikat_Sawala_2023.jpg" width="568" height="379"></p> <p align="justify">&nbsp;</p> <p align="justify">&nbsp;</p> Program Studi Administrasi Negara Universitas Serang Raya en-US Sawala : Jurnal Administrasi Negara 2302-2221 Kolaborasi POLRES Kolaka dan Dinas Pemberdayaan Perempuan dalam Menangani Kekerasa Anak <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sinergi Polres Kolaka dan Dinas Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak dalam penanggulangan kekerasan terhadap anak. Kekerasan terhadap anak merupakan permasalahan serius yang memerlukan penanganan terpadu dari berbagai pihak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sinergi kedua lembaga telah terlaksana namun masih belum berjalan dengan baik, ditandai dengan koordinasi penanganan perkara, sosialisasi pencegahan kekerasan, dan pemberian pendampingan hukum dan psikologis bagi korban yang terkendala penolakan alokasi anggaran dalam menjalankan tugasnya. sosialisasi. Perlunya sinergitas antara kepolisian dan pemerintah daerah dalam penanganan kasus kekerasan terhadap anak perlu ditingkatkan dengan membuat MoU yang mencantumkan pembagian kerja masing-masing pihak. Pemerintah daerah melalui Dinas Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak Kabupaten Kolaka hendaknya melakukan sosialisasi dengan memasang spanduk yang mencantumkan nomor kontak yang dapat dihubungi masyarakat jika mengetahui adanya kekerasan terhadap anak yang terjadi. Selain itu, diperlukan kerja sama masyarakat untuk lebih proaktif dalam melaporkan kejadian kekerasan terhadap anak di lingkungannya. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi penting dalam memahami dinamika kolaborasi antar lembaga dalam penanganan kekerasan terhadap anak dan diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi untuk meningkatkan efektivitas penanganan kasus kekerasan anak di daerah lain.</span></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Anis Ribcalia Septiana Rustam Tohopi Irabiah Copyright (c) 2024 Anis Ribcalia Septiana 2024-06-06 2024-06-06 12 1 1 14 10.30656/sawala.v12i1.8657 Desain Kebijakan City Branding Daerah <p><em>This research focuses on the design of city branding policies in Blitar Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. Each region is responsible for enhancing its image through promotion and branding as a strategy to attract public and tourist attention. Blitar Regency proves that city branding can have a positive impact on the tourism sector, regional sustainability, and the welfare of its residents. The rebranding effort of tourism with the tagline "Blitar Land of Kings" has yielded positive results by facilitating recognition and increasing the attractiveness of Blitar Regency. The concept of holistic and integrated city branding becomes an important focus, referring to the City Brand Hexagon theory proposed by Simon Anholt. This research uses a literature study method to explore the elements of measuring the effectiveness of city branding in Blitar Regency. By using secondary data sources in the form of official government documents and scientific literature, this research is expected to provide a deep understanding of the impact and effectiveness of the branding strategy applied by Blitar Regency in attracting attention and increasing tourist visits</em>.</p> Muhammad Lukman Hakim Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Lukman Hakim 2024-06-06 2024-06-06 12 1 15 37 10.30656/sawala.v12i1.8150 The Impact Of Military Assistance On International Political Dynamics <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>This research explores the intricate interplay between military assistance and international political dynamics, focusing on its implications for regional power structures. Grounded in Power Transition Theory, the study aims to unravel the complex web of relationships influenced by military aid, examining its intended and unintended consequences. Leveraging qualitative research methods through the analysis of secondary data, three key dimensions are investigated: Military Assistance and Power Transition Theory, Unveiling Diplomatic Dynamics: Military Assistance, Bilateral Relations, and Alliance Politics, and Unintended Consequences: Military Assistance, Security Dynamics, and the Specter of Arms Races. The findings highlight the multifaceted impact of military assistance on regional power dynamics, shedding light on its role in shaping diplomatic relations, influencing alliance politics, and potentially triggering unintended security consequences such as the specter of arms races. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of how military aid shapes the global geopolitical landscape. In conclusion, it emphasizes the need for nuanced policy considerations to mitigate unintended outcomes while harnessing the potential positive impacts of military assistance.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: alliance politics, bilateral relations, diplomatic dynamics, military assistance, power transition</em></p> Aris Sarjito Copyright (c) 2024 Aris Sarjito 2024-06-06 2024-06-06 12 1 38 56 10.30656/sawala.v12i1.8136 Dinamika Koalisi Partai Politik dalam Pencalonan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden pada PEMILU 2024 <p><em>Observing the dynamics of existing coalitions, the 2024 presidential election allows for the formation of four coalition axes. As of today, the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) is the first coalition to be declared in June 2022. Holding 26.82% of the DPR seats, the Golkar Party, PAN and PPP are in a coalition to face the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) and Presidential Election (Pilpres). The Gerindra Party and PKB appear to be the second axis coalition with 23.66% of the DPR seats. Meanwhile, the combination of the Nasdem Party, PKS and Democratic Party which formed the Change Coalition was able to accumulate the largest number of votes with 28.35% of the DPR seats. As for the PDIP, even though it has not yet appeared to build a coalition with other parties, it has a presidential boarding pass threshold of 20% to directly advance in the presidential election without having to form a coalition with other parties.</em></p> <p><em>This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Research Method This research uses a qualitative approach with problem research aimed at obtaining an in-depth and comprehensive description of a phenomenon experienced by research subjects. Discussion results Based on the results of mapping political party support, the KPU noted that the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM), which supports Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, is a political party coalition that has the most valid votes in the 2019 General Election results. The Advanced Indonesia Coalition has 59,762,053 votes. The decision to form a coalition with a political party which initially had opposing ideologies and nominate a candidate pair outside the cadre must ultimately be taken by the political party when it is about to advance in the contest. This is because the voting public in Indonesia is pragmatic. People look more at popular figures or the high electability of candidate pairs, rather than looking at the vision, mission or programs offered by political parties.</em></p> Djoni Gunanto Yana Syafriyana Hijri Nurhakim Putri Hana Nurhasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Djoni Gunanto 2024-06-06 2024-06-06 12 1 57 67 10.30656/sawala.v12i1.8528 Ragam Praktik Kebijakan Perlindungan Keselamatan Angkutan Sewa Khusus Terkini di Seluruh Dunia <p><em>The issuance of Permenhub RI Number 12 of 2019 encourages various two-wheeled special rental transportation companies (also known as online transportation or ride-hailing), to carry out coaching, supervision, and compliance with traffic safety. This article explores the implementation of safety protection policies for specific rental transport users around the world as a benchmark based on a literature review on the Scopus database in the 2015-2023 publication year. The results of the thematic analysis identify five categorization issues: Driver safety, passenger safety, company/operator obligations, transportation policies, and factors causing accidents. The results of the analysis found that the main cause of accidents in special rental transportation is fatigue caused by the absence of a maximum limit of passengers that drivers can serve every day. In addition, special rental transport drivers are considered inadequate due to lack of driving experience, limited participation in traffic safety education, and low awareness of safety education and information.</em></p> Nur Muhamad Iqbal Reza Fathurrahman Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Muhamad Iqbal, Reza Fathurrahman 2024-06-06 2024-06-06 12 1 68 93 10.30656/sawala.v12i1.8612 Collaborative Operating Standards: Development Of Dynamic-Adapative Policy Model <p>Adaptive management Governance and Dynamic institutional systems are being promoted as recipes for improving policy performance. In our opinion, there is relevance to this basic assumption with research findings showing that the empowerment model in implementing public service policies will be effective if it is carried out with adaptive policy governance and a dynamic bureaucracy. This argument is supported by empirical facts that there is a coherent relationship between adaptive governance and dynamic bureaucratic systems in moderating increased public participation and support for policy implementation. So the purpose of this study is to identify the factors that lead to the success of public policy. Through in-depth qualitative analysis. the implications of the research results are developed as a Dynamic-Adaptive policy model with the conclusion that adaptive policy governance does not work effectively without the support of a dynamic institutional system.</p> Yacob Nani Zuchri Abdussamad Jurico Abdussamad Rustam Tohopi Copyright (c) 2024 yacob nani 2024-06-06 2024-06-06 12 1 94 114 10.30656/sawala.v12i1.8040 Policy Formulation for Village Expansion in Ngumpakdalem Village, Dander Subdistrict, Bojonegoro Regency <p>Karena kurangnya perhatian, proses perumusan kebijakan menjadi sangat sulit. Terakhir, opini publik seringkali diabaikan saat membuat kebijakan. Formulasi kebijakan adalah proses pembuatan dan pelaksanaan berbagai kebijakan untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Kebijakan pemekaran wilayah diatur oleh UU No 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintah Daerah dan Permendagri No 1 Tahun 2017 tentang Desa. Kebijakan ini mencakup empatdesa di empat kecamatan yang tersebar di kabupaten Bojonegoro yaitu desa Napis kecamatan Tambakrejo, desa Leran Kecamatan Kalitidu, desa Ngumpakdalem kecamatan Dander, dan desa Sukorejo kecamatan Bojonegoro Kota. Namun, hingga saat ini pemekaran wilayah ini masih belum terjadi dan memerlukan banyak proses. Penelitian ini hanya berfokus pada pembuatan kebijakan pemekaran desa di desa Ngumpakdalem, yang memiliki populasi lebih dari sepuluh ribu orang di kecamatan Dander kabupaten Bojonegoro. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apa yang dilakukan pemerintah desa, pemerintah daerah, dan masyarakat selama proses pemekaran desa yang belum selesai. Teori formulasi William N. Dunn yang mencakup indikator pengenalan, spesifikasi, pendefinisian, dan pencarian masalah digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yang merupakan metode kualitatif.</p> Yulisza Adeliya Maharani M. Miftahul Huda Ida Swasanti Copyright (c) 2024 Yulisza Adeliya Maharani 2024-06-06 2024-06-06 12 1 115 132 10.30656/sawala.v12i1.7992 Efektivitas Penerapan Pola Pengelolaan Keuangan Badan Layanan Umum Daerah (BLUD) di PUSKESMAS Kaduhejo Kabupaten Pandeglang <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Terdapat 6 Puskesmas BLUD di Kabupaten Pandeglang, dari 6 Puskesmas tersebut hanya Puskesmas Kaduhejo yang mengalami penurunan pendapatan dan SPM dari tahun 2019 ke tahun 2022. Pendapatan Puskesmas Kaduhejo dari tahun 2019 ke tahun 2022 merupakan yang tertinggi pada tahun 2020 sebesar 93,62% dan terendah pada tahun 2022 sebesar 65,59%. Capaian SPM Puskesmas Kaduhejo terendah pada tahun 2019 sampai dengan tahun 2022 adalah pelayanan kesehatan balita (26,46%) dan suspek TBC yang mendapat pelayanan kesehatan sesuai standar (39,5%), sedangkan tertinggi adalah pelayanan kesehatan penderita gangguan jiwa (92,39 %), sedangkan berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan no. 4 Tahun 2019 tentang Standar Teknis Pemenuhan Mutu Pelayanan Dasar pada Standar Pelayanan Minimal Bidang Kesehatan, pencapaian SPM harus 100%. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas perubahan pola pengelolaan keuangan pada Badan Layanan Umum Daerah Puskesmas Kaduhejo belum maksimal karena masih ada hal-hal yang belum terpenuhi dan masih ada beberapa kegiatan yang belum terakomodir. dalam kuantitas.</span></span></span></span></em></p> Dian Handayani Agus Lukman Hakim Jumanah Copyright (c) 2024 Dian Handayani, Agus Lukman Hakim, Jumanah 2024-06-06 2024-06-06 12 1 133 151 10.30656/sawala.v12i1.8635 Optimalisasi E-Govenrment dan E-Office Birokrasi dalam Mewujudkan Smart City Menuju Pemerintahan Modern <p><em>Public management and bureaucracy are both inseparable and closely related to managing, organizing and running government activities and public services. Along with the concept of smart city (smart city) which refers to the management of governance that applies technology by integrating various aspects of urban life, modern ICT-based governance and innovative public sector management approaches (bureaucracy) are demands to improve efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability. This requires the implementation and development of e-government and e-office as part of realizing the goals of bureaucratic reform. This paper is intended to examine the e-government and e-office bureaucracy in realizing the concept of smart city in governance and public services. The writing method used is literature study. Optimization of e-government and e-office becomes very important as an integral part of the realization of the smart city concept. As many districts / cities in Indonesia have implemented smart cities, and according to their plans and achievement targets for 2015-2045. Human resources support, development of facilities and infrastructure, as well as infrastructure, which is not just the existence of a number of applications created in the administration of government and public services but better and Real services can be obtained online and perceived quickly, easily, precisely and responsively according to the needs of the community.</em></p> Bambang Agus Diana Benny Sigiro Vigilia K. Montolalu Copyright (c) 2024 Bambang Agus Diana 2024-06-06 2024-06-06 12 1 152 167 10.30656/sawala.v12i1.8606 Urgenitas Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kecamatan Cileles Sebagai Roadmap Pembentukan Daerah Kawasan Industri Baru di Kabupaten Lebak <p><em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Berkembangnya suatu wilayah tentunya akan mengubah tatanan dan kehidupan masyarakat di sekitar lokasi pembangunan. Lahan yang semula berupa kebun dan sawah, dapat berubah menjadi pabrik, gedung perkantoran dan jalan untuk menunjang dan menunjang aktivitas di kawasan tersebut, lahan perkebunan dan pertanian akan berubah menjadi kawasan industri, kawasan yang semula sepi, sejuk akan berubah menjadi bising, sibuk. , dan mungkin akan menjadi panas karena pohon-pohon besar sudah tidak ada lagi. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan gabungan (Mix Method), yaitu dengan melakukan analisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product), proses pengembangan </span></span></em><em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">kawasan industri baru di Kabupaten Lebak pada tahun 2023 layak untuk segera dibangun mengingat segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan konsep penataan ruang baik kabupaten dan provinsi tidak melanggar aturan atau konsep. Hal ini sejalan dengan pembangunan Tol Serang – Panimbang yang menjadi salah satu elemen pendukung keberadaan KEK Tanjunglesung.</span></span></em></p> Jumanah Gian Sumarna Sukmajaya Arif Nugroho Julizar Idris Copyright (c) 2024 jumanah jumanah jumanah 2024-06-06 2024-06-06 12 1 168 189 10.30656/sawala.v12i1.8460 Peran E-Billing Dalam Mendorong Program Wajib Pajak Di KP2KP Kabupaten Sinjai <p>Dalam rangka memberikan pelayanan dan kemudahan kepada Wajib Pajak, Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP) melakukan reformasi di bidang proses pembayaran pajak yaitu menggunakan <em>E-billing</em>. <em>E-billing </em>memiliki beberapa keunggulan salah satunya memudahkan wajib pajak dan menyederhanakan pembayaran pajak bagi penggunaan <em>E-billing</em>. Namun tentunya tidak terlepas dari berbagai permasalahan seperti server down, kegagalan registrasi, kegagalan aktivasi. Dari hasil penelitian penulis penerapan <em>E-billing</em> belum sepenuhnya efisien dan efektif sehingga perlu dipertimbangkan kembali apakah sistem pembayaran <em>&nbsp;</em><em>E-billing</em> ini dapat diperkenalkan secara penuh di Kabupaten Sinjai. Seperti yang di ketahui bahwa tidak semua orang memiliki akses internet bahkan masih ada yang belum paham soal teknologi, sehingga hal ini mempengaruhi efektifitas <em>E-billing</em>. Maka DJP melakukan sosialisasi pengenalan <em>E-Billing</em> agar berjalan efektif dan efisien. Penerapan ini dilakukan secara merata agar tidak terjadi penyimpangan di antara masyarakat Kabupaten Sinjai. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data dan menggunakan Studi kepustakaan. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah portal berita online lokal&nbsp; yang terpercaya dan kredibel seperti&nbsp;, dan artikel jurnal yang relavan. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini mengunakan deskriptif. Tahapan dalam analisis data yakni pengumpulan data , seleksi data, analisis antar-variabel dan verifikasi data, serta penafsiran dan penarikan kesimpulan.</p> Nursyamimi umar congge Mursak Copyright (c) 2024 Nursyamimi, umar congge, Mursak 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 12 1 190 205 10.30656/sawala.v12i1.8552 Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat Atas Pelayanan Publik Jalan Provinsi Pada Wilayah Kerja Pembangunan (WKP) III Pandeglang-Lebak <p><em>The aim of this research is to analyze the results of the community satisfaction index survey regarding provincial road public services in the Pandeglang-Lebak III development work area (WKP). This research was analyzed quantitatively descriptively. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with a combination of accidental sampling techniques, the number of samples using the Lemeshow formula with a total of 196 respondents using provincial roads. The research methods used are the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Statistics Index (CSI) methods. The results of the research show that the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method obtained results from 32 questions, of which 3 questions were in quadrant I (High Importance, Low Satisfaction), while 16 questions were in quadrant II (High Importance, High Satisfaction), while 9 questions were is in quadrant III (Low Importance, Low Satisfaction) and there are 4 questions in quadrant IV (Low Importance, High Satisfaction). The results of the Customer Statistics Index (CSI) analysis obtained a CSI result of 83.25%. This shows that people using provincial roads in the Pandeglang-Lebak III development work area (WKP) are in the Good criteria. based on the criteria in the interpretation in PERMENPAN RB No. 14 of 2017.</em></p> Arlan Marzan Isvan Taufik Zainul Hakim Karvina Budiwati Apriliani Agus Lukman Hakim Hanifah Copyright (c) 2024 Arlan Marzan, Isvan Taufik, Zainul Hakim, Karvina Budiwati Apriliani, Agus Lukman Hakim, Hanifah 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 12 1 206 288 10.30656/sawala.v12i1.8801 Optimalisasi Layanan M-Paspor Dari Sudut Pandang Responsiveness dan Reliability di Kantor Imigrasi Denpasar <p><em>Submitting passport application already uses the M-Passport application carrying out services. The Director General of Immigration of Indonesia created the M-Passport application innovation to facilitate passport services. This study aims to determine how the optimization of M-Passport services from the point of view of responsiveness and reliability at Denpasar Immigration Office. Qualitative methods are used to explore information on phenomenon supported by descriptive approach so that informants are comfortable when conducting interviews. Data sources come from interviews and documents related to the research. Data were collected through documentation, interviews, and observations at research location. Then data was analyzed by data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The result of the discussion of this research is that the service of submitting passport applications at Denpasar Immigration Office is quite optimal, but there needs to be improvement in several service components such as need to improve the process of interview queuing systems, fingerprint scanning, and photo taking, creating synergies between immigration officers so that information conveyed is appropriate between employees, and creating synergies with the Director General of Immigration of Indonesia regarding the development of the M-Passport application.</em></p> Putu Denny Artina Mahendra Komang Adi Sastra Wijaya I Ketut Winaya Copyright (c) 2024 Putu Denny Artina Mahendra, Komang Adi Sastra Wijaya, I Ketut Winaya 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 12 1 229 239 10.30656/sawala.v12i1.8133 Efektivitas Organisasi dalam Pembinaan Gelandangan dan Pengemis di Kota Cilegon <p>Kota Cilegon merupakan kota dengan permasalahan sosial yang kompleks termasuk meningkatnya jumlah gelandangan dan pengemis. Dinas Sosial Kota Cilegon sebagai instansi pemerintah memiliki tangggung jawab untuk menangani masalah ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas organisasi yang melayani gelandangan dan pengemis di Kota Cilegon. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan alat analisis yaitu teori Lubis dan Martani yang terdiri dari tiga pendekatan: 1) pendekatan sumber; 2) pendekatan pada proses; dan 3) pendekatan terhadap tujuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas organisasi yang melayani gelandangan dan pengemis, dimana hal ini Dinas Sosial Kota Cilegon belum efektif dibuktikan dengan meningkatnya jumlah gelandangan dan pengemis, ketersediaan fasilitas yang belum optimal serta belum adanya kolaborasi secara optimal dengan para <em>stakeholders</em>. Namun, Dinas Sosial Kota Cilegon masih terus berupaya dalam melaksanakan pembinaan gelandangan dan pengemis dengan fasilitas yang terbatas sesuai dengan peraturan yang ada.</p> Mayu Ma’lumatiyah Budi Hasanah Ahmad Zainuri Copyright (c) 2024 Mayu Ma’lumatiyah, Budi Hasanah, Ahmad Zainuri 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 12 1 240 249 10.30656/sawala.v12i1.8579