LONTAR: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi 2024-07-02T06:43:37+07:00 Liza Diniarizky Putri Open Journal Systems Jurnal Lontar Audiences’ Perception of Rape Euphemism In the Sexual Violence News in Online Media 2024-06-30T23:07:46+07:00 Ade Devia Pradipta Putu Titah Kawitri Resen <p align="justify"><em>Online media is a form of mass media that is close to society, especially in the era of increasingly massive development of information and communication technology. One type of information that the public is interested in in online media is news, especially cases of sexual violence such as rape. Rape is a serious crime because it harms the victim from physical and psychological aspects. Reporting about rape incidents generally applies euphemisms for verbs that represent heinous acts. In some cases of rape, the criminal act is replaced with several words such as "digagahi", "dicabuli", "dirudapaksa", even if the perpetrator is more than one person, the word choice used is "digilir". The aim of this research is to describe public perceptions regarding the replacement of the word rape in reporting about sexual violence in online media. The results of this research found that respondents felt that it was important for the media to replace the word rape because it made the news more polite and more comfortable to read. The pronouns most frequently read by respondents were molested and fucked. Furthermore, this research also found that some word choices actually perpetuate the dominance of perpetrators, who are mostly male, over victims, who are usually women or minors.</em></p> 2024-06-30T20:48:25+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 LONTAR: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Marriage Women Select Careers: Indonesian Film Reception Analysis “Dua Hati Biru” (2024) 2024-06-30T23:07:46+07:00 Afinada Aulia Agani Triyono Lukmantoro <p><em>Film </em><em>Dua Hati Biru (2024)</em> <em>lifts the drama's genre from the story of young women marrying and entering a conflicting reality of life and gender equality. The film forms the discussion room of both audiences and social media users. The study was intended to analyze the audiences' interpretation of the reception of family conflicts in the film, especially women who got married in their teen years. The study uses qualitative research methods with an encoding/decoding model reception approach and is a research phenomenon. Data is collected by conducting in-depth interviews, observations, and relevant library studies. Research shows the use of the </em><em>Dua Hati Biru (2024)</em><em> film audience as the dominant-hegemonic position and the dominant position. The dominant use of the audience is illustrated in the scene showing that women who marry young because they 'married by infants' then face conflicts and consequences that leave themselves with the choice to fully care for household or career affairs. Burial in a negotiating position occurred at scenes showing that caring for children and households was the wife's responsibility.</em></p> 2024-06-30T21:00:44+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 LONTAR: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Strategic Communication of Local Government 2024-06-30T23:07:47+07:00 Aries Aries <p align="justify"><em>The implementation of local government affairs in the field of communication is still limited to organizing routine activities that only focus on message production and message dissemination - not focused on communication activities that have a strategic impact on the local government institution itself. The implementation of local government communication affairs should ideally focus on efforts to align programs/activities (planning) with actions (implementation of activities) of each component of regional apparatus to achieve organizational goals and objectives. So that each work unit and regional apparatus has the same direction to work together to carry out various activities that contribute to the achievement of goals and objectives set in the strategic plan. Local government strategic communication in this study is a series of planned activities on information management and practical communication that is prepared based on government administration that provides prospects for benefits for local government institutions; realizing effective internal communication to achieve organizational goals and objectives; building institutional image and reputation; and optimizing institutional communication with the community and stakeholders.</em></p> 2024-06-30T21:13:11+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 LONTAR: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Memes and Interactivity of Facebook Mobile Legends Gamers After the Fall of RRQ 2024-06-30T23:07:47+07:00 Dwi Prasetyo Yulianto Moch Fuad Nasvian Dimas Rifqi Novica <p align="justify"><em>This research aims to determine the level of interactivity in meme postings by netizens during the M4 World Tournament of the game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB). Utilizing the Facebook platform, specifically the "Mobile Legends Gamers'' group, this study analyzed 791 comments from 10 group member posts during the period of January 10 - 25, 2022. Employing Thematic Analysis, interactivity dimensions were examined based on the framework of Six Basic Emotions and Message Interactivity. Results indicate that interactivity among group members was high, with various emotions revealed, such as happiness over RRQ's defeat and anger at mistakes made by favorite teams. In conclusion, social media plays a significant role in fostering user interactivity and emotions, especially within the context of gaming communities like MLBB. This study offers valuable insights for the Mobile Legends community and the field of digital communication science, emphasizing how memes are used as a means of communication on social media.</em></p> 2024-06-30T21:26:25+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 LONTAR: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Interpreting Symbols of Cultural Identity Jatiwangi Clay 2024-06-30T23:07:47+07:00 Liza Dwi Ratna Dewi Eko Putra Boediman <p align="justify"><em>In 2012, the Central Government of the Republic of Indonesia projected the West Java Strategic Industrial Zone called the Rebana Triangle with 3 points: Cirebon City, Subang Regency, and Majalengka Regency. Since then, a large wave of modern industrialization has entered this area and affected all aspects of community life, including the threat to the existence of local cultural identity. This research aims to explore the meanings of 3 cultural symbols produced by the Jatiwangi Art Factory (JAF), a community of artists based in the Jatiwangi District, Majalengka Regency. Stuart Hall's concept of Cultural Identity serves as the reference basis, and Roland Barthes' Semiotics is used as the research analysis method. The research subjects are JAF, and the research objects are the 3 cultural symbols created by JAF. Data collection was conducted through informal discussions, field observations, the internet, and literature studies from 2000 to 2023. The results of the research show that: the Rampak Genteng Festival is a process of forming strong cultural defenses in mental, geographical, and political spaces. Clay Music is a dominant process of forming defenses in mental space. Meanwhile, Terakota City is the formation of cultural identity defenses in geographical, political, social, and economic spaces.</em></p> 2024-06-30T21:32:52+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 LONTAR: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi The Cooking Content Effect in Instagram to Followers' Satisfaction 2024-06-30T23:07:48+07:00 Muhammad Agil Kuncoro Vina Mahdalena Rini Riyantini <p align="justify"><em>The tendency for cooking videos to have a long duration to showcase cooking demonstrations is a challenge for Instagram @pattygurlz, as the platform limits the duration to 90 seconds. In addition, in @pattygurlz's Instagram videos, there is no physical appearance of the presenter. This situation is a challenge to persuade Instagram users to be interested in the content. This study aims to identify and analyze the impact of @pattygurlz content on follower satisfaction. This study uses the Uses and gratification theory, where audiences are considered as active voters, evaluating media that can meet their needs. This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The population of this study were Instagram followers @pattygurlz with a sample size of 100. In analyzing the data, researchers conducted validity tests, reliability tests, correlation tests, regression tests, detemination coefficients, and hypothesis tests. The data testing technique is processed using the SPSS version 26 program. The results showed a significant relationship between cooking content and followers' satisfaction. The coefficient of determination shows that 42.9% of followers' satisfaction is influenced by content, while the rest is influenced by other factors.</em></p> 2024-06-30T21:48:10+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 LONTAR: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi The Taste, Ritual, and Cultural Essence Within a Bowl of Mie Rebus Belitung 2024-07-02T06:43:37+07:00 Regitha Anna Mervia Gerson Ralph Manuel Kho <p align="justify"><em>One of the provinces in Indonesia famous for its diverse local cuisine is the Bangka Belitung Province, particularly in Belitung Regency. One of the well-known local dishes from Belitung is Mie Rebus Belitung. Mie Rebus Belitung is a preparation of yellow noodles drenched in hot shrimp broth. This dish is even recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage. Besides being considered a filling meal, Mie Rebus Belitung also reflects the culture, identity, and history that form the local identity of Belitung. This research aims to examine the role of the local dish Mie Rebus Belitung in preserving the cultural identity in Belitung. The theories utilized in this research are the Cultural Heritage Theory and the Cultural Representation &amp; Heritage Theory. The research methodology employed is qualitative research. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with cultural experts from Belitung and literature reviews. The result of this research is that Mie Rebus Belitung contains cultural symbolism with potatoes (Dutch), noodles (Chinese), and seafood (Local Belitung). The use of simpor leaves as the wrapping for Mie Rebus Belitung expresses creativity and local identity in Belitung. Mie Rebus Belitung is also a symbol of communication with values that will be conveyed to future generations, either as a standalone dish or packaged in ritual processes such as “makan bedulang” (ritual feasting). The conclusion of this research is that Mie Rebus Belitung is a culinary dish whose history is connected to the arrival of Chinese and Dutch residents in Belitung. The distinctive feature of this dish is the use of simpor leaves as its wrapper. By combining elements from these three cultures, Mie Rebus Belitung becomes a symbol of identity and the cultural richness of Belitung.</em></p> 2024-06-30T23:05:11+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 LONTAR: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi The Influence of Family Communication Patterns on Parenting Agreements for Children with Special Needs 2024-06-30T23:07:48+07:00 Resman Muharul Tambunan Des Hanafi Fachmi Ibrahim <p align="justify"><em>Children with special needs show their own uniqueness and challenges in parenting. Caring for children with special needs requires creating meaning and cooperation among family members. Family communication patterns have a significant impact on how arrangements for caring for children with special needs are formed and implemented. The importance of family communication patterns in the context of parenting agreements for children with special needs cannot be ignored. The relationship between parents and children is the core interaction in the family system. This research aims to explore the influence of family communication patterns on parenting agreements for children with special needs. This research was designed using a descriptive causality survey method with a quantitative approach with a positivism paradigm to test research hypotheses and descriptive analysis, by collecting data from relevant respondents using a digital questionnaire. The results of the significance and hypothesis tests show that the protective and laissez faire variables have a significant value with H0 being accepted, while pluralistic and consensual have an insignificant value with H0 being rejected.</em></p> 2024-06-30T22:29:06+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 LONTAR: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Digital Literacy of Tourism Awareness Groups in Digital Promotion Activities of Cibuntu Tourism Village, Kuningan Regency 2024-06-30T23:07:49+07:00 Yoka Pradana Aiza Nabila Arifputri Rizca Haqqu <p align="justify"><em>Cubuntu tourist village in Kuningan Regency is an outstanding tourist village actively participating in digital promotion. The success of digital tourism promotion is closely related to the digital literacy skills of tourist village managers. This study aims to analyze the digital literacy of the Cibuntu village tourism awareness group (Pokdarwis) in digital promotion activities. The research method used is qualitative with a case study design. Data were obtained from interviews with four members of the Pokdarwis of Cibuntu village in the field of promotional media and observation of the Cibuntu village promotional media. The results showed that the digital literacy of Pokdarwis Cibuntu village has various aspects of digital skills, including information literacy, communication, and collaboration skills, the ability to develop digital content creation, and the ability to secure digital data. Meanwhile, the ability to solve problems using digital technology has not been able to be done, and the ability to create digital content has been done, but not entirely. The contribution of this research shows that the digital literacy skills possessed by the Pokdarwis of Cibuntu village are learned independently through content on social media. The findings are a consideration for tourism village managers in other regions to encourage Pokdarwis members to learn independently about digital promotion activities amid the wealth of information on social media.</em></p> 2024-06-30T22:42:41+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 LONTAR: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi