Socialization of the 4R Concept and Training on Making Ecobricks as an Effort for Plastic Waste Management


  • Lasmi Khadafi Universitas Muhammadiyah Kupang



Plastic Waste, 4R Concept, Ecobrick


Garbage is a problem that is quite difficult to solve. The low level of public awareness of the environment is one of the factors causing the waste problem. Plastic waste is a type of waste that is still a threat to environmental pollution. This community service activity focused on socializing plastic waste processing and training on making ecobricks. The method used is lecture, ecobrick making simulation, and evaluation. The number of participants who attended this activity was 50 students. Based on the assessment, the level of student understanding is quite good as evidenced by the change in grades during the test. After the community service activities, it is hoped that students and teachers at SMK Negeri 7 Kupang City will be able to manage plastic waste wisely.


Keywords: Plastic Waste, 4R Concept, Ecobrick



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