Penyuluhan Pemilahan Dan Pengelolaan Sampah Di Desa Sidakarya, Denpasar Selatan


  • Luh Ayu Rianawati Pradnya Paramitha Universitas Pendidikan Nasional
  • Komang Sri Widiantari Universitas Pendidikan Nasional



Sorting, Management, Waste, 3R


Bali is an island that is famous for its natural wealth, customs, and culture, therefore Bali is known as the island of tourism. The island of Bali consists of 8 districts, 1 municipality, namely Denpasar City. In Sidakarya Village, South Denpasar, this is the location where the real work class (KKN) activity takes place. The problem that occurs in Sidakarya Village is the community's lack of concern for sorting and managing waste. According to Taqim (2007) said that in practice replant (replanting) is not the choice of the majority of the community so that the principle becomes 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Therefore, in this real work lecture (KKN) can help provide solutions to problems by using the counseling method in the form of a video and then distributed to the community, after doing this there is a banner installation around the Sidarkarya Village area. The end result of this service is by conducting online counseling using videos that are distributed on Youtube and also installing banners at certain points. The plan for the sustainability of this activity is to optimize the creation of a platform like Instagram, which contains waste sorting and management content. In addition, there is assistance from trash cans from Sidakarya Village for sorting organic and inorganic waste. This can help raise public awareness and help ease the duties of the janitor.


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