Optimalisasi Media Sosial Dalam Upaya Promosi Desa Wisata di Desa Kenderan, Tegallalang, Gianyar


  • Anak Agung Istri Syawana Bargandini Universitas Pendidikan Nasional
  • Ni Nyoman Juwita Arsawati Universitas Pendidikan Nasional




Social Media Optimization, Promotion, Tourism Village


Tourism is the main sector in the economy of Bali. The success of the tourism sector in Bali is supported by several factors, namely diverse tourist attractions, high community participation and government’s role in developing. However, this does not guarantee that all areas in Bali can maximize the tourism potential. Besides, amid the COVID-19 pandemic situation, almost all sectors of human life were affected, including the tourism sector. Bali Island, where the majority of the population depends on the tourism sector is affected. Kenderan Village, Tegalallang, Gianyar, is one of the tourist villages according to the Gianyar Regent Decree No 429/E-02/HK/2017. With many competitors from similar Tourism Villages, the lack of management of tourist attractions, and the COVID-19 Pandemic, the right marketing strategy needs to be implemented. The method used in this activity is counseling to provide an understanding of digital marketing importance for promotion. The results obtained from this community service are the creation of Instagram account as a promotional media for Kenderan Tourism Village and content planner to make account run actively. The continuity plan of this activity is the optimalization of Instagram and the use of other social media accounts such as Facebook or Tik Tok.


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