Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Alternatif Sebagai Mitigasi Dan Adaptasi Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19
learning media, mitigation, adaptation, pandemicAbstract
Media and methods are elements of learning that can affect learning motivation so that it has an impact on the quality of educational outcomes. The Covid-19 pandemic situation in 2020 led to a policy of limiting face-to-face teaching and learning activities and supporting online learning. In reality, virtual activities are not always fun and not always successful, because over time the students and teachers feel bored and even often experience technical difficulties in utilizing facilities and technology. The PPM team in collaboration with students participating in the KKN at Padjadjaran University tried to find solutions to these problems. Responding to the problems raised by the subject/activity partners as a representation of teachers from various levels, the PPM team and KKN participant students designed a learning media to support teaching and learning activities to be more fun, interactive, and collaborative. The PPM method used is the socialization of the use of the "Virtual Edu Guide" website. Besides being able to increase the knowledge and skills of subjects/partners, the indicator of success shown by this program is the number of visits to the site as many as 194 times after the program runs for five days.
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This work by KAIBON ABHINAYA : JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.