Current Issue
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): Volume 1 Nomor 2, July 2019
Analisis Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Pembelian Bahan Pokok Untuk Pembuatan Nasi Kotak Menggunakan Fuzzy Tsukamoto
Abstract views: 400 , PDF downloads: 352 -
Prediksi Jumlah Produksi Tempe Kopti Menggunakan Logika Fuzzy Metode Mamdani PRIMKOPTI Serang
Abstract views: 440 , PDF downloads: 460 -
Penentuan Pembelian Bahan Baku Dan Jumlah Produksi Makanan Menggunakan Fuzzy Mamdani Pada Usaha Kedai Martabak XYZ
Abstract views: 410 , PDF downloads: 310 -
Expert System for Diagnosing Types of Diseases in Human Intestine Organs Using the Certainty Factor Method
Abstract views: 680 , PDF downloads: 2074 -
Optimization of Total Production of Refined Sugar From Raw Sugar Raw Materials and Supporting Raw Materials Using the Generate-And-Test Method at PT. DSI Banten
Abstract views: 657 , PDF downloads: 679
ISSN : 2686-1704 (Cetak)
ISSN (Online) : In process
Penerbit : Fakultas Teknologi Informasi
Journal of Machine Learning and Soft Computing (JMLSC) is a research publication media in the field of deep learning, neural networks, rule based systems, bayessian, decision tree and classification, clustering, fuzzy logic, uncertainty, artificial intelligence and other fields that are in accordance with the concept development machine learning and soft computing toward decision support, group decisions and allied.
We invite researchers, academics, practitioners to publish the results of research in the above areas in this journal.