This study was conducted to analyze the effect of the implementation of good corporate governance quality to financial performance of go-public companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange and included in the Indonesia Trusted Companies According to IICG in 2017. The measurement of Corporate Governance Perception Index (CGPI) includes four different weight values, including self-assessment (15%), documents (25%), paper (12%), and observations (48%). The population in this study was all go-public companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017. The sample was taken by purposive sampling method, and which meet the criteria as go-public company as the Indonesia trusted companies consisting of 34 companies. The Statistical methods employed simple linear regression with SPSS version 21. Based on the analysis of data using simple linear regression as explained previously, it was found that the model developed in this study is worthy (fit) and successfully demonstrated as a good model. The following is a discussion of the correlation between the variables hypothesized in this study. The variable of good corporate governance quality has significant positive effect on both simultaneously and partially to the ROA and has the ability to affect ROA by 22.6% and the remaining 77.4% is explained by other variables.
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