Pengaruh Implementasi Good Government Governance Pada Kualitas Pelayanan Publik (Studi Pada Pemerintah Daerah Di Indonesia)

  • Shinta Sari Universitas Padjajaran
  • Ivan Yudianto Universitas Padjajaran
  • Sri Mulyani Universitas Padjajaran
Abstract views: 91 , PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) downloads: 99


This research aims to analyze the influence of governance implementation on the quality of public services. The research uses a quantitative research approach using secondary data from the 2022 regional government administration report. The results of the research show that of the 5 principles of good governance adopted from the principles issued by the KNKG, transparency, accountability, legal culture and equality and fairness have a significant effect and positive on the quality of public services at a significance level of 10%. Meanwhile, democratic principles do not have a significant effect on the quality of public services at a significance level of 10%. However, simultaneously good governance on the quality of public services shows a line coefficient of 0.813 with a p-value of 0.000. This means that good public governance has a significant and positive influence on the quality of public services at a significance level of 10%


Keywords: Good Government Governance, Quality of Public Services


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