Faktor-Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Tingkat Publikasi LKPD Pada Website Resmi Pemerintah Provinsi Di Indonesia
This research analyzes the factors influencing the level of LKPD publication on its official websites specifically the level of Provincial Dependency, Capital Expenditure, and the level of internet access. This research also aims to analyze the influence of governor’s commitment as moderating variables. The research used data from 2015 to 2021 obtained from 34 Provincial Government’s official websites and BPS. The data analyzed using Partial Least Squares method in which hypothesis concluded based on P value. The result shows that the level of LKPD publication significantly influenced by capital expenditure and the level of internet access, and the governor’s commitment significantly moderating the influence of capital expenditure and the level of internet access to the level of LKPD publication. While the level of Provincial Government dependency didn’t significantly influence the level of LKPD publication, the governor’s commitment also didn’t significantly moderate the correlation between the variables.
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