Langkah Privatisasi Perusahaan BUMN Di Indonesia (Library Research Di Indonesia)


  • Billy Adhira Airlangga University
  • Tjiptohadi Sawarjuwono Universitas Airlangga



In BUMN (State-Owned Enterprises) in Indonesia the governance that is built is still far from the principles of GCG (Good Corporate Governance). This study aims to see how the role of privatization on the governance and performance of SOEs. This research method is Library Research where the researcher conducts a study by collecting previous studies on the role of privatization in state-owned companies in Indonesia. Previous studies have shown different results regarding the role of privatization on the governance and performance of SOEs. Basically, privatization is one solution that can improve the governance and performance of SOEs. The role of the private sector is very important in building a more professional SOE performance. However, privatization is not always able to improve the governance and performance of SOEs. The intervention of civil and military parties in BUMN is able to hinder the development of BUMN even though the privatization policy has been taken. State-owned companies should have started to build good governance even though privatization has not been carried out. It is a better step when BUMN companies are no longer disturbed by civilian or military interests so that they are able to produce good performance and are able to play a role in boosting the country's economy.



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